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Boone-Winnebago ROE understands schools continue to struggle with attendance, discipline, and teacher burnout. Times are tough right now as parents and students look to schools for answers. Area 2 Social-Emotional Learning Hub wants to help! We offer assistance to educators, staff, and district leaders by providing the support and resources needed to be successful during this difficult time.

It's as easy as:

  • Completing a needs assessment
  • Identifying strengths and areas for improvement
  • Creating, implementing, and supporting an action plan, which includes goals, resources, strategies, and targeted professional development

With the knowledge of the Area 2 Social-Emotional Learning Specialists and Coaches, this grant-supported opportunity will provide you with the social-emotional supports that your staff and students need right now!


The Area 2 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Hub is a cohort of leaders from seven Northern Illinois ROEs. This group of regional offices has received Illinois State Board of Education funding to develop a comprehensive SEL Hub serving the entire Area 2 region. The SEL Hub is headquartered on site at Boone-Winnebago ROE 4 in Loves Park, IL.

Allison Pierson is the Social-Emotional Learning and School Wellness Director and heads the SEL Hub. She welcomes Jennifer Kaiser as the Associate Director of the Area 2 SEL Hub.

There are several SEL Coaches based at other Regional Offices throughout Illinois Area 2.

The mission of the SEL Hub is to create and support strategic and comprehensive goal-directed social-emotional learning plans that result in safe, healthy, and supportive schools. The program vision is for holistic and responsive social-emotional learning structures that generate equitable learning environments where all members of the school community feel valued, respected, affirmed, and empowered.

In order to achieve these goals, the SEL hub provides free and low-cost professional development, needs assessments, a resource library, access to embedded supports and coaching, and a network of individuals passionate about improving culture and climate and supporting the social and emotional needs of staff and students in the schools served by the combined ROEs in Area 2.

The SEL Hub collective and the training provided is rooted in equity, quality, collaboration, and community. These structures reflect an investment in healthy social and emotional develoment and competencies. A continuous cycle of improvement allows the SEL Hub to review, refine, and respond appropriately to needs in our school communities. The ultimate goal of the SEL Hub is deep, systemic change with improvement in the current baseline data of schools in the Area 2 region.

Click here to enter our workshop catalog to search for upcoming SEL coursework available through Boone-Winnebago ROE.

If you'd like to discuss customized social emotional learning for your school staff or education team, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to contact the Area 2 SEL Hub.

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Allison Pierson
Area 2 Social Emotional Learning Hub
& School Wellness Director

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Jennifer Kaiser
Area 2 Social Emotional Learning Hub
Associate Director

area 2 sel hub mission

Area 2 SEL Hub
Mission and Vision

Sarea 2 sel hub tenets

Area 2 SEL Hub

area 2 sel hub ideology

Area 2 SEL Hub

Looking for additional online social emotional learning opportunities? Head to the ROE 4 events page and check out upcoming SEL sessions!

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